Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting started.

Like anything, there's a right way and a wrong way to get started on your low-carb lifestyle.

The wrong way...

"I'm doing Atkins!"
-I've never read any of Dr. Atkin's books, but I heard it was an all you can eat meat, egg, and cheese diet.

The right way...

"I'm not happy with my health, weight, or I just want to see if I can feel better."
-I'll read up on the subject so I'll be well informed. Blogs and websites are a great way to get information, but always remember, "trust, but verify"
-I'll commit to reading a book by one of the major authors on the subject (Eades or Atkins are the two that come to mind)
-I'll pick a day to start once I understand what I need to do
-I'll get rid of the foods I shouldn't eat so I won't be tempted
-I'll commit to trying this new lifestyle for some amount of time before I start
-I'll weigh/measure myself before I start
-I'll see my doctor to evaluate my health before I make a dramatic lifestyle change

The first approach is the sort of haphazard, half-hearted attempt that gives low-carb a bad name.

The second approach is the secret to success. I'm not saying it's the only way to start and that you'll certainly fail if you don't do everything I say, I'm simply saying that if you want to give low-carb a fighting chance at really improving your health, then I recommend a well thought out approach.

Good luck and I'd love to hear from you if you think there are some important steps I've missed.


PS. Don't fear the fat!


Jennifer [To PIN/share a Post, Click the 3 dots or the Red SAVE Button] said...

LOL My mother-in-law always says, "Trust but verify!" :-) Just this moment found your blog.

Alex said...

Thanks for stopping by Jennifer!

Good to know I'm finding some new readers still.
